Fancy Pants Adventures Wiki
Cutie Pants Girl
Cutie Pants Girl
Vital statistics
Gender Female
Race Stick Figure
Health Healthy
Status Alive
Relatives Fancy Pants Man (Brother)

Kaboodle (Pet)

Cutie Pants Girl is Fancy Pants Man's little sister, and one of main characters in World 3, The Fancy Pants Adventures for Consoles and Mobile Devices, Super Fancy Pants Adventure and the World 1 Remaster.


She first showed up in The Fancy Pants Adventures (for consoles and mobile phones). Cutie Pants Girl wears a purple dress and has a transparent face and hair, just like her brother Fancy Pants Man. She has been released as a playable character in the World 1 Remaster for PC on and mobile devices and a subscription to Brad Borne's Patreon Page for 2 bucks or more.


Cutie Pants Girl lives in Squiggleville with her brother Fancy Pants Man. She owns a pet kitten named Kaboodle. During the events of World 3 ans The Fancy Pants Adventures for Consoles and Mobile Devices, Captain Rainbow Beard, after attempting to escape Fancy Pants Man, pets her kitty. CPG beats him up, stating she doesn't want "some icky pirate touching her Kaboodle". The other pirates see this, and after finding her much more hardcore than their old captain, they proceed to capture her and make her their new captain. Along the journey to the pirate ship, she occasionally drops bottles with letters in them for Fancy Pants Man to find. She starts to like being the captain and when Fancy tries to save her, she says that being a Pirate Princess Captain is "far more interesting" than being his sister, as well as opening a trap door that makes him fall into a cave. When he returns to the pirate ship, it is completely over run by Toothpick Ninjas. Fancy defeats the ninjas, and then Captain Manly Beard (previously Rainbow Beard), who is attempting to take back the ship, invites FPM for a beard stomp. After the fight, Cutie Pants Girl willingly goes home with Fancy Pants Man. In the beginning of Super Fancy Pants Adventure, Cutie Pants tells her brother look out the window and then, he sees that almost all of Squiggleville has been flooded by ink. After rescuing Kaboodle from the Basement Spire, she thanks her brother and says to catch up with him. When FPM arrives, he realises that his sister is faster than him somehow and talks to the King's helper about the camp in The Royal Tub which acts like a hub world.


  • She can use her kitten Kaboodle as a grappling hook to reach greater heights than Fancy Pants Man's jump.
  • She can make friends with lots of creatures very easily.
  • She can girlboss and gatekeep so hard it's unreal
  • She can beat the heck out of any weird old man